564 rank

581,234,733 points

105,168 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jesse of Stone    The Black Dragons II
Jaims 564 Jesse of Stone The Black Dragons II 581,234,733 105,168
Jesse of Stone    Banshee
Cirgard 859 Jesse of Stone Banshee 425,608,129 81,180
Jesse of Stone    The Black Dragons II
Arvahall 1231 Jesse of Stone The Black Dragons II 339,735,501 69,000
Jesse of Stone   
Fel Dranghyr 4905 Jesse of Stone 21,405,295 4,953
Jesse of Stone    Dragons Lair
Korch 6155 Jesse of Stone Dragons Lair 10,070,949 1,688
Jesse of Stone    Dragons Lair
Langendorn 7286 Jesse of Stone Dragons Lair 5,234,859 1,563
Jesse of Stone   
Brisgard 9628 Jesse of Stone 3,619,031 715