1075 rank

284,488,608 points

70,379 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gareth of York    Having Fun 2
Jaims 1075 Gareth of York Having Fun 2 284,488,608 70,379
Gareth of York    Back Again
Parkog 7579 Gareth of York Back Again 3,455,478 2,231
Gareth of York   
Sinerania 9419 Gareth of York 1,194,986 815
Gareth of York   
Yorkton 12883 Gareth of York 282,228 192
Gareth of York   
Dilmun 8950 Gareth of York 29,255 184
Gareth of York   
Rugnir 17862 Gareth of York 26,885 88