11637 rank

604,303 points

926 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MaaxxQ    Lionheart
Arvahall 15308 MaaxxQ Lionheart 614,692 910
MaaxxQ    Eagles of the King
Jaims 11637 MaaxxQ Eagles of the King 604,303 926
MaaxxQ    KnightsOfKingsbridge
Brisgard 14118 MaaxxQ KnightsOfKingsbridge 555,734 866
MaaxxQ    The Iron Horsemen
Parkog 11017 MaaxxQ The Iron Horsemen 550,675 794
MaaxxQ    Relic Run
Mount Killmore 13416 MaaxxQ Relic Run 547,947 919
MaaxxQ    Realm of the sword⚔️
Korch 12305 MaaxxQ Realm of the sword⚔️ 446,843 964
Sinerania 11945 MaaxxQ LEDGEND 376,248 850
MaaxxQ    The Patriotic Empire
Fel Dranghyr 13312 MaaxxQ The Patriotic Empire 360,120 856
Greifental 17327 MaaxxQ 52,218 186