9721 rank

1,482,790 points

738 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ashllei    Relentless
Tuulech 167 ashllei Relentless 1,162,019,496 254,197
ashllei    Wounded Warriors
Noarsil 458 ashllei Wounded Warriors 568,987,404 96,221
Houndsmoor 2478 ashllei 79,928,763 9,957
Langendorn 2401 ashllei 73,223,024 11,483
Walstrand 3115 ashllei 37,521,394 18,804
Cirgard 4130 ashllei 29,840,160 13,108
ashllei    The Hardwood Empire
Jaims 9721 ashllei The Hardwood Empire 1,482,790 738
ashllei    Adimar
Parkog 9202 ashllei Adimar 1,363,896 469
ashllei    Knights of Scotland
Arvahall 12973 ashllei Knights of Scotland 1,303,471 599
ashllei    The 13 Knights
Brisgard 11870 ashllei The 13 Knights 1,271,288 546
ashllei    PnW
Korch 10153 ashllei PnW 1,174,331 466
ashllei    Vikings of Asgard
Qunrir 9827 ashllei Vikings of Asgard 1,130,597 565
ashllei    Bloodknights
Odhrorvar 9724 ashllei Bloodknights 1,081,038 545
ashllei    tars
Dunarsund 11639 ashllei tars 1,034,809 481
ashllei    Disciples of Tyr
Greifental 10803 ashllei Disciples of Tyr 946,144 492
ashllei    Kraken
Mount Killmore 12122 ashllei Kraken 925,422 369
East-Nagach 11527 ashllei 919,658 454
Uceria 10620 ashllei 813,779 1,079
ashllei    Isolationists
Rugnir 10846 ashllei Isolationists 700,189 472
ashllei    Cold Peppers
Sinerania 10975 ashllei Cold Peppers 619,418 341