8313 rank

3,234,859 points

1,415 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
txdan2    Sentinel
Noarsil 5834 txdan2 Sentinel 10,992,989 2,315
txdan2    S.H.I.E.L.D.
Dunarsund 6911 txdan2 S.H.I.E.L.D. 10,139,928 2,304
Vingrid 5941 txdan2 BROTHER'S KEEPER 9,890,437 2,334
txdan2    Fusionclan.Net
Rugnir 5949 txdan2 Fusionclan.Net 9,809,648 2,562
txdan2    The dragon fighters
Houndsmoor 6917 txdan2 The dragon fighters 9,485,405 2,492
txdan2    Arcadia
Odhrorvar 6403 txdan2 Arcadia 7,639,628 2,240
txdan2    Texas Chainsaws
Jaims 8313 txdan2 Texas Chainsaws 3,234,859 1,415