12012 rank

506,120 points

257 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cassie the Strong    Keg Slayers
Rugnir 9615 Cassie the Strong Keg Slayers 1,227,806 556
Cassie the Strong   
Jaims 12012 Cassie the Strong 506,120 257
Cassie the Strong    Ghost Ship
Dunarsund 13413 Cassie the Strong Ghost Ship 503,210 213
Cassie the Strong    not a guild
Fel Dranghyr 12705 Cassie the Strong not a guild 445,807 251
Cassie the Strong    THE CHOSEN FEW
Langendorn 11933 Cassie the Strong THE CHOSEN FEW 420,902 211
Cassie the Strong    Diamond Traders
Odhrorvar 11843 Cassie the Strong Diamond Traders 363,916 175
Cassie the Strong    Skyhold
Arvahall 17224 Cassie the Strong Skyhold 335,396 294
Cassie the Strong    The Alchemists
Cirgard 14294 Cassie the Strong The Alchemists 325,272 230
Cassie the Strong    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Uceria 12445 Cassie the Strong Kingdom of Jerusalem 320,623 176
Cassie the Strong   
Tuulech 12825 Cassie the Strong 204,409 216
Cassie the Strong    The stars
Vingrid 14267 Cassie the Strong The stars 147,192 187
Cassie the Strong    Blue Heart
Walstrand 13734 Cassie the Strong Blue Heart 126,781 168
Cassie the Strong    Patient Zero
Xyr 16428 Cassie the Strong Patient Zero 118,348 307