11173 rank

784,169 points

1,291 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
HallowedSyder    Test Tube Babies
Arvahall 12253 HallowedSyder Test Tube Babies 1,610,305 1,508
HallowedSyder    Engineer's
Cirgard 11501 HallowedSyder Engineer's 961,657 1,409
HallowedSyder    CAAPSorg
Jaims 11173 HallowedSyder CAAPSorg 784,169 1,291
HallowedSyder    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Houndsmoor 12310 HallowedSyder Kingdom of Jerusalem 733,836 1,542
HallowedSyder    Purple Haze
Tuulech 10643 HallowedSyder Purple Haze 672,691 1,257
Noarsil 10992 HallowedSyder 658,647 1,671
HallowedSyder    Saxons
Parkog 10836 HallowedSyder Saxons 646,704 1,504
HallowedSyder    Roman Legion
Odhrorvar 11614 HallowedSyder Roman Legion 467,072 806
HallowedSyder    Pact of the West
Yorkton 17290 HallowedSyder Pact of the West 59,896 123