2055 rank

118,269,481 points

13,405 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MercifulBoots69    The Kraken Odyssey
East-Nagach 79 MercifulBoots69 The Kraken Odyssey 2,463,310,458 651,440
MercifulBoots69    The Black Ghost
Dunarsund 2174 MercifulBoots69 The Black Ghost 133,008,159 27,567
MercifulBoots69    D.O.H.
Jaims 2055 MercifulBoots69 D.O.H. 118,269,481 13,405
MercifulBoots69    Quiet and Peaceful
Odhrorvar 2215 MercifulBoots69 Quiet and Peaceful 104,756,774 15,293