14678 rank

167,571 points

265 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tllewoha59    Resist
Brisgard 15313 tllewoha59 Resist 368,225 381
Dunarsund 15599 tllewoha59 225,997 247
tllewoha59    FREEDOM FIGHTERS
Tuulech 13045 tllewoha59 FREEDOM FIGHTERS 196,513 227
tllewoha59    Shadow Den
Jaims 14678 tllewoha59 Shadow Den 167,571 265
tllewoha59    Kryptonians
Korch 14834 tllewoha59 Kryptonians 156,478 208
tllewoha59    Crystal Dragons
East-Nagach 15844 tllewoha59 Crystal Dragons 149,897 229
tllewoha59    Flames of deasinty
Vingrid 14487 tllewoha59 Flames of deasinty 142,890 220
tllewoha59    The Watch
Houndsmoor 16460 tllewoha59 The Watch 141,772 231
tllewoha59    Cyberpunkers
Qunrir 14579 tllewoha59 Cyberpunkers 121,114 192
Noarsil 14774 tllewoha59 112,524 211
tllewoha59    Pirates Cove
Mount Killmore 17921 tllewoha59 Pirates Cove 108,927 201
tllewoha59    The Renegades
Sinerania 14983 tllewoha59 The Renegades 96,937 194