7386 rank

5,282,376 points

3,488 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tiberius 349 the Valiant   
Vingrid 6909 Tiberius 349 the Valiant 5,765,808 5,471
Tiberius 349 the Valiant   
Cirgard 7806 Tiberius 349 the Valiant 5,534,783 5,109
Tiberius 349 the Valiant   
Jaims 7386 Tiberius 349 the Valiant 5,282,376 3,488
Tiberius 349 the Valiant   
Qunrir 7104 Tiberius 349 the Valiant 5,165,487 4,117
Tiberius 349 the Valiant   
Langendorn 9253 Tiberius 349 the Valiant 1,594,386 872
Tiberius 349 the Valiant    WeeKirk O’the Heathr
Rugnir 10714 Tiberius 349 the Valiant WeeKirk O’the Heathr 698,815 2,007