4020 rank

25,394,852 points

15,735 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Valerian 397 the Lucky   
Tuulech 951 Valerian 397 the Lucky 221,666,643 89,820
Valerian 397 the Lucky   
Carthage 589 Valerian 397 the Lucky 53,732,489 40,188
Valerian 397 the Lucky   
Jaims 4020 Valerian 397 the Lucky 25,394,852 15,735
Valerian 397 the Lucky    The Fallen Ones
Fel Dranghyr 4673 Valerian 397 the Lucky The Fallen Ones 20,015,046 11,697
Valerian 397 the Lucky    Waraccoon
Cirgard 5090 Valerian 397 the Lucky Waraccoon 17,264,879 7,502
Valerian 397 the Lucky    TRU
Dunarsund 6061 Valerian 397 the Lucky TRU 12,318,970 5,984