15699 rank

128,625 points

210 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
alohapr1    It is What it Is
Odhrorvar 14099 alohapr1 It is What it Is 160,676 141
alohapr1    We Play For Free
Jaims 15699 alohapr1 We Play For Free 128,625 210
alohapr1    Simple
Qunrir 15340 alohapr1 Simple 105,233 103
alohapr1    Just Playing For Fun
Sinerania 15425 alohapr1 Just Playing For Fun 99,308 115
alohapr1    Enginerds
Vingrid 16199 alohapr1 Enginerds 82,455 80
alohapr1    The New Ones
Uceria 16178 alohapr1 The New Ones 76,530 78