12940 rank

351,054 points

1,648 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dottie 1476 the midwife   
Uceria 11723 Dottie 1476 the midwife 464,369 1,860
Dottie 1476 the midwife    Heroes of Renown
Greifental 12719 Dottie 1476 the midwife Heroes of Renown 408,424 1,906
Dottie 1476 the midwife    Justice
Jaims 12940 Dottie 1476 the midwife Justice 351,054 1,648
Dottie 1476 the midwife    LaPucelle
Yorkton 12798 Dottie 1476 the midwife LaPucelle 303,037 1,691
Dottie 1476 the midwife    Vets & Friends
Cirgard 16843 Dottie 1476 the midwife Vets & Friends 126,041 1,374