15444 rank

143,792 points

177 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
gtnellson    Kingdom
Birka 7234 gtnellson Kingdom 789,294 560
gtnellson    Traders Union
Langendorn 11999 gtnellson Traders Union 467,172 368
gtnellson    Journey
Vingrid 12020 gtnellson Journey 454,451 380
gtnellson    Vikings Of Ragnarok
Cirgard 13805 gtnellson Vikings Of Ragnarok 428,129 297
gtnellson    Wonder If
Fel Dranghyr 13277 gtnellson Wonder If 399,654 367
gtnellson    Lone Wolf
Rugnir 12327 gtnellson Lone Wolf 385,443 312
gtnellson    Bean Town
Korch 13036 gtnellson Bean Town 361,028 299
gtnellson    Texas Knights
Qunrir 12466 gtnellson Texas Knights 355,315 312
gtnellson    Bronze Age Trades
Odhrorvar 12327 gtnellson Bronze Age Trades 344,491 347
gtnellson    Guardian Angels
Dunarsund 15002 gtnellson Guardian Angels 308,531 308
gtnellson    đŸ¥€State of Decay
Noarsil 13855 gtnellson đŸ¥€State of Decay 202,279 238
gtnellson    Long ship Legion
Jaims 15444 gtnellson Long ship Legion 143,792 177
gtnellson    Andler
Angkor 14911 gtnellson Andler 100,892 155
gtnellson    Honor Be Ours
Parkog 17734 gtnellson Honor Be Ours 37,523 117