13539 rank

269,691 points

403 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Antigonus 2456 the Brash    STARK
Cirgard 14139 Antigonus 2456 the Brash STARK 347,697 500
Antigonus 2456 the Brash    The Master
Rugnir 12419 Antigonus 2456 the Brash The Master 326,191 502
Antigonus 2456 the Brash    THE VOID
Jaims 13539 Antigonus 2456 the Brash THE VOID 269,691 403
Antigonus 2456 the Brash   
Odhrorvar 14688 Antigonus 2456 the Brash 101,127 171
Antigonus 2456 the Brash    Neverland
Zorskog 15543 Antigonus 2456 the Brash Neverland 68,987 192