5945 rank

11,514,265 points

2,961 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pottsey1979    Insane Monkeys
Jaims 5945 Pottsey1979 Insane Monkeys 11,514,265 2,961
Pottsey1979    fun and easy
Mount Killmore 12520 Pottsey1979 fun and easy 772,592 492
Pottsey1979    The crazy chooks
Arvahall 15992 Pottsey1979 The crazy chooks 498,720 463
Pottsey1979    de nuggets
Cirgard 13759 Pottsey1979 de nuggets 399,053 451
Pottsey1979    The Wheel of Time
Brisgard 15288 Pottsey1979 The Wheel of Time 373,447 420
Pottsey1979    whiteshark
Dunarsund 17036 Pottsey1979 whiteshark 114,681 195