6055 rank

10,709,927 points

2,768 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Pottsey1979    Insane Monkeys
Jaims 6055 Pottsey1979 Insane Monkeys 10,709,927 2,768
Pottsey1979    fun and easy
Mount Killmore 12565 Pottsey1979 fun and easy 735,613 479
Pottsey1979    The crazy chooks
Arvahall 16095 Pottsey1979 The crazy chooks 469,223 451
Pottsey1979    de nuggets
Cirgard 13868 Pottsey1979 de nuggets 368,024 444
Pottsey1979    The Wheel of Time
Brisgard 15308 Pottsey1979 The Wheel of Time 364,205 414
Pottsey1979    whiteshark
Dunarsund 17140 Pottsey1979 whiteshark 107,776 176