7409 rank

4,823,240 points

768 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
11th ACR    Army of One
Dunarsund 6665 11th ACR Army of One 9,322,992 1,269
11th ACR    Army of Un
Arvahall 9012 11th ACR Army of Un 5,721,713 866
11th ACR    Army of Uno
Houndsmoor 7657 11th ACR Army of Uno 5,702,837 756
11th ACR    Army of Ekab
Zorskog 6358 11th ACR Army of Ekab 4,879,389 693
11th ACR    Army of Eins
Jaims 7409 11th ACR Army of Eins 4,823,240 768
11th ACR    Army of En
Vingrid 7052 11th ACR Army of En 4,739,344 525
11th ACR    Army of Unus
Xyr 7593 11th ACR Army of Unus 4,629,835 618
11th ACR    An Army of One
Qunrir 7274 11th ACR An Army of One 4,501,798 559
11th ACR    Army Strong
Mount Killmore 8391 11th ACR Army Strong 4,332,314 690
11th ACR    Army of Yksi
Yorkton 7009 11th ACR Army of Yksi 4,211,574 632
11th ACR    Army of 1
Langendorn 7502 11th ACR Army of 1 4,097,643 677
11th ACR    Army of Eis
Angkor 6584 11th ACR Army of Eis 3,759,352 624
11th ACR    Arrrmy!
Dilmun 2502 11th ACR Arrrmy! 2,312,005 556