5141 rank

17,479,484 points

8,640 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ahmad the Corpulent    Coffee Cartel
Jaims 5141 Ahmad the Corpulent Coffee Cartel 17,479,484 8,640
Ahmad the Corpulent    Cannibal Chipmunks
Fel Dranghyr 7241 Ahmad the Corpulent Cannibal Chipmunks 6,751,940 4,714
Ahmad the Corpulent    Free Palestine
Sinerania 7184 Ahmad the Corpulent Free Palestine 4,444,901 2,798
Ahmad the Corpulent    Rabid Chipmunks
Carthage 3656 Ahmad the Corpulent Rabid Chipmunks 4,413,757 2,848
Ahmad the Corpulent    Double D Clan
Brisgard 11471 Ahmad the Corpulent Double D Clan 1,598,526 2,443