11560 rank

614,428 points

649 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Issac the apple   
Parkog 6112 Issac the apple 8,624,755 2,243
Issac the apple   
Carthage 2985 Issac the apple 7,077,392 2,096
Issac the apple   
Arvahall 9291 Issac the apple 6,196,020 2,111
Issac the apple   
Houndsmoor 7995 Issac the apple 5,606,397 2,215
Issac the apple   
Rugnir 7001 Issac the apple 5,415,851 6,554
Issac the apple   
Odhrorvar 7005 Issac the apple 5,304,861 1,952
Issac the apple   
Langendorn 7280 Issac the apple 5,234,474 1,959
Issac the apple   
Noarsil 7634 Issac the apple 3,839,134 1,513
Issac the apple   
Jaims 11560 Issac the apple 614,428 649
Issac the apple   
East-Nagach 14758 Issac the apple 224,058 248
Issac the apple   
Yorkton 18164 Issac the apple 34,913 94