16567 rank

72,530 points

180 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Carthage 3041 Niphilem the Magnanimous 5,976,910 12,019
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Cirgard 17643 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 89,433 224
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Brisgard 19245 Niphilem the Magnanimous 87,499 215
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Greifental 16128 Niphilem the Magnanimous 85,678 215
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Arvahall 21548 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 82,662 197
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Dunarsund 18223 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 76,534 213
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Solitude
East-Nagach 17497 Niphilem the Magnanimous Solitude 74,355 208
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Jaims 16567 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 72,530 180
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Solitude
Langendorn 15926 Niphilem the Magnanimous Solitude 71,216 117
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Fel Dranghyr 17113 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 70,625 184
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Farming your Diamond
Houndsmoor 18082 Niphilem the Magnanimous Farming your Diamond 70,550 179
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Korch 16758 Niphilem the Magnanimous 67,040 153
Niphilem the Magnanimous    NoPayForDiamonds
Mount Killmore 19422 Niphilem the Magnanimous NoPayForDiamonds 63,232 101
Niphilem the Magnanimous    The Marines
Odhrorvar 15707 Niphilem the Magnanimous The Marines 62,700 84
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Yorkton 16703 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 61,832 54
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Parkog 15890 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 61,553 123
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Only for Diamonds
Sinerania 15984 Niphilem the Magnanimous Only for Diamonds 61,201 84
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Diamond Farmers
Angkor 15777 Niphilem the Magnanimous Diamond Farmers 59,317 102
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Noarsil 16131 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 57,779 123
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Tuulech 15745 Niphilem the Magnanimous 56,481 72
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Diamond Guild
Qunrir 16211 Niphilem the Magnanimous Diamond Guild 56,411 65
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Birka 12703 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 55,199 75
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Rugnir 16479 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 53,374 133
Niphilem the Magnanimous   
Xyr 18718 Niphilem the Magnanimous 53,057 60
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Uceria 16477 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 52,520 77
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Zorskog 16299 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 51,147 74
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Walstrand 16365 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 44,215 79
Niphilem the Magnanimous    Isolation
Vingrid 17232 Niphilem the Magnanimous Isolation 43,439 55