7454 rank

5,303,105 points

9,216 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LilTex    Field of Dragons
Yorkton 1186 LilTex Field of Dragons 215,887,184 85,391
LilTex    Wild Saloon
Angkor 2092 LilTex Wild Saloon 69,426,119 46,585
Brisgard 8814 LilTex 5,352,426 13,369
Jaims 7454 LilTex 5,303,105 9,216
Rugnir 7444 LilTex 4,169,579 4,948
LilTex    Not that serious
Greifental 8945 LilTex Not that serious 2,460,123 3,353
LilTex    🔀 Blue Fusion 🔀
Xyr 9532 LilTex 🔀 Blue Fusion 🔀 1,952,704 2,066