14909 rank

136,565 points

714 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mshiling    Water World
Birka 6782 mshiling Water World 1,161,390 6,191
mshiling    midnite massacre
Noarsil 10923 mshiling midnite massacre 608,903 1,631
mshiling    Slightly Brewed
Qunrir 11339 mshiling Slightly Brewed 494,569 1,092
mshiling    Castle blood warrior
Brisgard 15180 mshiling Castle blood warrior 379,072 1,031
mshiling    Gormagon
Odhrorvar 12365 mshiling Gormagon 275,383 1,276
mshiling    The Ancients
Parkog 12839 mshiling The Ancients 223,916 818
mshiling    Yellow Submarine
Jaims 14909 mshiling Yellow Submarine 136,565 714
mshiling    Relentless
Greifental 14990 mshiling Relentless 131,875 827