12229 rank

520,710 points

2,364 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
johnjustice    Followers of Christ
Dilmun 574 johnjustice Followers of Christ 29,677,902 53,463
johnjustice    Metaphysic StarGate
Rugnir 6191 johnjustice Metaphysic StarGate 7,254,335 38,163
johnjustice    Metaphysic StarGate
Houndsmoor 9094 johnjustice Metaphysic StarGate 2,886,217 13,773
johnjustice    Guilds Suck: Vingrid
Vingrid 11650 johnjustice Guilds Suck: Vingrid 537,148 2,183
johnjustice    JUST.4.FUN
Jaims 12229 johnjustice JUST.4.FUN 520,710 2,364
Parkog 13320 johnjustice 222,037 1,238