10134 rank

2,211,945 points

1,560 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the shrike   
Парког 710 the shrike 282,451,317 92,649
the shrike   
Одрвар 2818 the shrike 54,567,730 9,118
the shrike   
Кунрир 1574 the shrike 38,667,907 31,332
the shrike    ~ Жар-Птица ~(выбор)
Норсил 8504 the shrike ~ Жар-Птица ~(выбор) 5,656,263 3,490
the shrike    Rus.
Брисгард 10597 the shrike Rus. 3,957,981 3,714
the shrike   
Джаймс 10134 the shrike 2,211,945 1,560